COACHING CHAMPIONSHIP (competitive part)

The main advantage of every coach, trainer and educator is his EXPERTISE! This is what brings clients to you and attracts the attention of subscribers. It is thanks to it that you can put a high price on your services and receive invitations from professional forums and conferences. It is worth investing time and effort in it, as it cannot be lost or taken away. Your expertise is your capital.

And we invite everyone involved in training, coaching and coaching adults (24+) outside of higher education to demonstrate and strengthen their expertise by becoming a participant in the ECG WORLD COACHING CHAMPIONSHIP

Here are three reasons to get involved right now:

  1. Every challenge leads to growth and you will 100% grow your expertise through intensive interaction with the professional community.
  2. Attending a major international event is a great infopod to promote your personality and your services on social media. People love to follow those who are living fulfilling and exciting lives.
  3. The opportunity to win the title of best coach, of course.

And the main question to ask myself is what will change for the better in my life if I ignore this Championship? What is my plan?

The ECG World Coaching Championship (WCC) was born out of fifteen years of experience between Silk Road Media and Eurasian Creative Guild (London) in developing and promoting creative people through internship programmes, masterclasses, forums, trainings and other formats. Internal learning from each other by ECG (London) members has led to the creation of the Expert Council on Business Coaching and generated an impressive number of success stories.

If you are helping adults to become mindful and achieve their personal and professional goals, then this championship will definitely be of value to you.

Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your skills, enjoy new experiences, meet your international colleagues and broaden your professional horizons.

Join us by registering today!

To participate, you need to fill in the questionnaire (the first part is data about yourself, the second part is a competition questionnaire). When filling out the competition application form, you will need to prepare some documents.

After submitting the application form, a representative from our team will contact you and help you complete your registration for the in-person portion of the WCC. Please note that it is only possible to truly judge skill in a live event, so the online format is not supported as part of the championship. Offline participation in the Speaker format is mandatory.